Computer Ease Limited is dedicated to serving its valued customers with excellent quality products/services with on time delivery and continual improvement of processes and human resources complying with the guidelines of ISO-9001: 2015 Standard and abiding by the Government laws.
Quality Policy Statement
Quality Management System (QMS) Implementation and Maintenance Procedure:
– It is the responsibility of all Departmental Head (HOD) of CEL
- to ensure that the quality management system of CEL, is established, documented as required, implemented, managed and maintained according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard
- to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
- to ensure that the sequence and interaction of processes or activities of the QMS are determined in a suitable manner, utilizing tools such as Departmental Quality Objectives, Quality Planning, Departmental Organogram, Flow chart, Work Instructions/ SOPs, Various Forms etc.
- to apply the necessary techniques and criteria in order to verify that established processes/ activities and their implemented controls are effective.
– It is the responsibility of HOD of HR to provide necessary human resource and competence training to the staffs when it is required.
– The Core Software Development sub-department is responsible for developing software without any compromise in quality, using state of art technology, ensuring scalability, upgradability and usability of software products.
– The Project Management sub-department is responsible for smooth communication between customer and development team, timely delivery and maintenance of great team atmosphere.
– The Support sub-department is responsible for all kinds of testing of the software, supervision of high quality UAT, imparting good training and excellent after sales service.
– The Infrastructure Department will ensure high quality internet speed, high availability of off-site and on-site servers, efficient computer network, virus free work environment, uninterrupted power supply, all latest work devices in good working order.
– Administration Department will ensure very efficient management of procurement process and coordinate QMS process from every possible angle.
– All HODs will assist CEL to achieve its goal by providing cooperation from their respective department.
– To monitor the effectiveness of QMS, one (1) Internal Audit will be held in a year to evaluate all the processes. Internal Audit Team will be selected by the consultation of EXCO members.
– One(1) Management Review Meeting will be held after completion of the Internal Audit headed by Managing Director.
– All HODs are responsible to take necessary Corrective Actions on raised NCs during Internal and External Audits.
– HR Manager will assist the ISO Consultant & Certification Body to continue their activities for effective implementation of Quality Management System in Computer Ease Limited.